Pre-screeing at the Swiss EmbassyI just got back from a great trip to D.C. We premiered "Legacy of the Great Aletsch" at the Swiss Embassy as part of the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capitol. I was very impressed by this festival. It was huge, taking place in 52 venues and screening 141 films. Even with these huge numbers, most of the films had great crowds. I have been to "big" festivals where this was not the case. I am also impressed by the history of the festival. I don't think you can find another environmental film festival that has been running as long as this one -- it's in the 17th year. I had the pleasure to meet Flo Stone, the founder of the festival. I think she had a lot of foresight to start this festival at that time.
On top of our sold out screening (nearly 200 people), my trip was packed with other events. I visited family, had various festival related meals, saw a film about cuttlefish, shot some time lapse footage(coming soon), stimulated the US economy, and had not one -- but two -- mini high school reunions.
D.C. is a great town. I recommend visiting.
Here is a little write up aout the screening on the film's website.